The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) held its annual Scientific Planning Retreat on April 4, 2013. Specific topics that were addressed included strategies for successful clinical trials in rare diseases; the circadian cycle in NIAMS-relevant tissues; and the impact of the functionalized genome on NIAMS diseases, focusing on the implications from ENCODE. The sessions were designed to help position NIAMS to both assess and respond to future scientific directions. Background information for each session, as well as summary PowerPoint slides based on a June 2013 presentation to the NIAMS Advisory Council, are provided below and include the key questions that were addressed, and the opportunities identified, during each session.
- Strategies for Successful Rare Disease Clinical Trials – backgrounder, slides
- The Circadian Cycle in NIAMS-Relevant Tissues – backgrounder, slides
- Impact of the Functionalized Genome on NIAMS Diseases – Implications from ENCODE – backgrounder, slides