The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) held its annual extramural Scientific Planning Retreat on April 29, 2014. NIAMS leadership, extramural program directors, and other NIAMS staff discussed
- Approaches for further enhancing the rigor and impact of NIAMS-supported clinical trials. Topics included Institute policies regarding the acceptance and funding of investigator-initiated clinical trial applications and proposed NIH requirements to promote the dissemination of results from NIH-funded clinical trials.
- Options for encouraging investigators to leverage ongoing clinical research projects. See RFA-AR-13-010 and related funding opportunity announcements for information about previous NIAMS efforts.
- Characteristics of exceptionally innovative research and features of grants programs that encourage innovation.
- Strategies to enhance the stability and flexibility of investigator-initiated research programs. Subsequent discussion at the June 2014 meeting of the National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Advisory Council led to the launch of the Institute’s Supplements to Advance Research (STAR) from Projects to Programs initiative.