April 26, 2012


NIAMS Facebook Page

NIAMS Establishes New Facebook Page

The NIAMS has launched its new page on Facebook, the popular social media site, as a companion to the Institute’s website and Twitter feed. The NIAMS will use its presence on Facebook to feature health information publications, news stories, resources, research advances and other news from the Institute. Videos that the NIAMS has posted to YouTube also will be featured on the new Facebook page.

“Using Facebook will enhance our information dissemination efforts about the progress being made through the Government's research investment related to bones, joints, muscles, and skin,” said NIAMS Director, Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D.


Four Named to NIAMS Advisory Council

The NIAMS has appointed four new members to its Advisory Council. The Council comprises scientific and lay members who have expertise in the mission areas of the Institute. Council members provide advice to the Institute on broad policy issues and make recommendations on research proposals.

NIH Scientists Resolve How Chromosomal Mix-Ups Lead to Tumors

A new study by scientists from the NIAMS resolves longstanding questions about the origin of recurrent chromosomal rearrangements—known as translocations—that drive lymphomas and leukemias in humans. Translocations occur when broken strands of DNA from one chromosome are erroneously joined with those of another chromosome, thus deregulating genetic information and leading to cell transformation. Sometimes chromosomal rearrangements can be beneficial, in that they enable the immune system to respond to a vast number of microorganisms and viruses. However, translocations can result in tumors. The study was reported in the journal Nature.

NIH Study Finds Method To Improve Transplant Cell Delivery

A new technique for improving delivery of stem cells may lead to better and faster tissue repair, a breakthrough with promise for sports medicine and military populations.

NIH and Lilly To Generate Public Resource of Approved and Investigational Medicines: Collaboration May Make Drug Development Pipelines More Productive

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Eli Lilly and Company will generate a publicly available resource to profile the effects of thousands of approved and investigational medicines in a variety of sophisticated disease-relevant testing systems.

NIH Launches Online Resource on Behavioral and Social Science Research Methods

A web-based interactive anthology will provide psychologists, economists, anthropologists, sociologists and other scientists with the latest research methods and tools to address emerging challenges in public health, such as the obesity epidemic and the rise of chronic diseases such as heart disease. The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research at the NIH collaborated with New England Research Institutes to create the free resource, called e-Source.

1000 Genomes Project Data Available on Amazon Cloud: Project Is Exemplar of New White House Big Data Initiative

The world’s largest set of data on human genetic variation—produced by the international 1000 Genomes Project—is now publicly available on the Amazon Web Services cloud.

NIH Awards $20 Million Over Five Years To Train Next Generation of Global Health Researchers

To help foster the next generation of global health scientists, Fogarty International Center and its partners at the NIH are building a network of U.S. academic institutions to provide early-career physicians, veterinarians, dentists and scientists with a significant mentored research experience in a developing country.


NIH Research Matters

NIH Research Matters is a review of NIH research from the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director, NIH.

Nanocomplexes Label Cells for MRI Tracking

Nanocomplexes can be used to label transplanted cells so they can be tracked by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), according to a new study. In the future, the technique might be used to monitor whether transplanted immune or stem cells reach their targets.

NIH Public Bulletin

Read about the latest public events, activities and health information resources from the NIH in the latest issue of the NIH Public Bulletin.

NIH News in Health

Read practical health information in NIH News in Health, which is reviewed by the NIH’s medical experts and is based on research conducted either by the NIH’s own scientists or by its grantees at universities and medical schools around the country.

Red, Itchy Rash? Get the Skinny on Dermatitis

You have probably had a rash at some point or another, whether from poison ivy or the chickenpox or something more unusual. Why does your skin break out in red blotches like that? More important, is there anything you can do about it?


Save the Date: NIAMS Advisory Council Meeting

The next NIAMS Advisory Council Meeting will be held June 5, 2012, in Building 31, 6th floor, C Wing, Conference Room 6, NIH Campus.

NIH Pain Consortium 7th Annual Symposium on Advances in Pain Research

National Institutes of Health
Natcher Conference Center, Building 45
Bethesda, MD 20892
May 29–30, 2012

Registration and Information: https://painconsortium.nih.gov

Save the Date: Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities

Integrating Science, Policy and Practice
Building a Healthier Society
October 31–November 3, 2012
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
National Harbor, Maryland

For more information, please contact [email protected].


NIAMS Announcements

Improving Translational and Basic Research To Control Itch in Humans (ITCH) (R01)
Letters of Intent Receipt Dates: 30 days before due date
Application Receipt Dates: Standard dates apply

Improving Translational and Basic Research To Control Itch in Humans (ITCH) (R21)
Letters of Intent Receipt Dates: 30 days before due date
Application Receipt Dates: Standard dates apply

NIH Common Fund Initiative Announcements

Use-Oriented Basic Research: Change Mechanisms of Behavioral Social Interventions (Admin Supp)
Letters of Intent Receipt Dates: Not applicable
Application Receipt Dates: May 15, 2012

Request for Information (RFI): Challenges and Opportunities in Single-Cell Analysis for Biomedical Research

Forward Focus Workshops: Strategic Planning for the NIH Common Fund

Other Funding Announcements

Registration Now Open for the 14th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference, May 30–June 1, 2012

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PAR-10-225 “Biomedical Technology Research Center (P41)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PAR-11-132 “Research Centers in Minority Institutions Program (G12)”

NIH Announces the Posting of New and Updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Applicable to the 2011 Revised Regulation on Promoting Objectivity in Research for All NIH-Supported Institutions

Registration Now Available for Both 2012 NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration: Indianapolis, IN, and Washington, DC

PHS Implementation of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-10-071 “NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13/U13)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-11-184 “Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grants (Parent T32)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-11-185 “Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants (Parent T35)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-11-190 “Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-11-197 “NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-11-260 “Research Project Grant (Parent R01)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PA-12-006 “Academic Research Enhancement Award (Parent R15)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PAR-10-154 “Innovative Neuroscience K-12 Education (SBIR [R43/R44])”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PAR-10-224 “Pre-application for a Biomedical Technology Research Center (X02)”

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PAR-11-325 “Clinical Research Education and Career Development (CRECD) in Minority Institutions (R25)”

SCAW IACUC Training Workshop: April 30, 2012, in Baltimore, MD

Notice of Correction to the List of Participating Organizations in NOT-OD-12-060

Amendment of the Eligibility Criteria for NIH Loan Repayment Programs

Notice of Requirement for Electronic Submission of Just-in-Time Information and Related Business Process Changes Beginning April 20, 2012

Notice of Change in Participation of NIH Institutes and Centers in PAR-10-204 “NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Competitive Revisions for Studies Focused on Neuropathic Pain or Neural Plasticity to Promote Collaborative Pain Research (R01)”

Request for Information (RFI): Priorities for Outsourcing of Laboratory Procedures

If you would like to review information about funding opportunities more frequently than our monthly updates allow, see the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, the primary source for information about NIH funding opportunities. You can also request a weekly Table of Contents from the NIH Guide.
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